Azomi Shards

Shards are here to reward our most loyal users.

The more you interact with Azomi, the more Shards you will earn.

Shards Earning Rate:


Every 1000 MELD = 1 shard

Liquidity Providing

Every 1000 MELD per day = 1 shard

Bonuses for Liquidity Providing

between 100,000 MELD and 999,999 MELD per day → +20% daily bonus example: 100,000 MELD = base rate 100 SHARDS + 20 SHARDS bonus daily

between 1,000,000 MELD and 9,999,999 MELD per day → +30% daily bonus example: 1,000,000 MELD = base rate 1000 SHARDS + 300 SHARDS bonus daily

from 10,000,000 MELD and more per day → +50% daily bonus

example: 10,000,000 MELD = base rate 10,000 SHARDS + 5,000 SHARDS bonus daily

Premium Pool:

MELD/USDT pool will have a permanent 3x MULTIPLIER

Every 1000 MELD per day = 3 shards

ISPO Staking Multiplier (Per Epoch)

StakePer 1000 MELDPer 100k MELDPer 1m MELDPer 10m MELD


+0.03% bonus

+3% bonus

+30% bonus

+300% bonus

6 month

+0.04% bonus

+4% bonus

+40% bonus

+400% bonus

1 year

+0.05% bonus

+5% bonus

+50% bonus

+500% bonus

5 years

+0.06% bonus

+6% bonus

+60% bonus

+600% bonus

Last updated